"Hungry Ghost" is born from keen observation and deep empathy. Through her lens, Sutherland masterfully captures the essence of addiction and escapism, illuminated by the self-destructive paths they carve. These striking visuals paint an unfiltered picture, revealing the grim truth behind these struggles.
Adam Enrique Rodriguez's multi-media art serves as an additional layer, intensifying the frenzy of insatiable desires contrasted against the backdrop of palpable pain in each image.
This compelling series has its roots in Jill's personal experiences. Having witnessed and experienced the battles of those intimately close to her against addiction, she understands the intricate web of emotions, turmoil, and the journey to recovery. This firsthand encounter gives her work a distinctive authenticity, resonating powerfully with those who've faced similar challenges.
At its core, "Hungry Ghost" strives to foster empathy and understanding for those who have lost touch with their inner truths. Through her art, Sutherland endeavors to bridge the gap between disconnection and healing, inviting viewers to embrace compassion as they confront the stark realities portrayed in each frame.