In the project titled "MUSE," I sought to capture ethereal visions of femininity. This series explores the interplay between freedom and a sense of weightlessness, brought to life through the lens of my camera and the contemporary expressionist paintings of Amadea Bailey. Through the technique of multiple exposure, I aim to evoke feelings of hope, truth, and inspiration.

She is the embodied poetry, songs, and myth that create. She is the fire of spoken word and the purposeful stroke of the painter's brush. She is the fertile land from which all inspiration grows.

She is the muse, the source of inspiration and knowledge.

This project delves into the concept of the muse, plunging into the origins of inspiration and knowledge. Through visual storytelling, I invite viewers to immerse themselves in a realm where the intangible becomes tangible, and where the muse reigns as the catalyst for artistic exploration.



Burning Man


Hungry Ghost