Enter an otherworldly Neptunian haze, a place where the veil between dreamscape and waking reality is as thin and porous as lace. Here, the enigma unfolds, as creative power awakens within her. As if breaking free from a chrysalis, our protagonist steps into the liminal space of the unknown. 

Graceful and resolute, she navigates uncharted territories, her steps echoing the rhythm of a heart in pursuit of its true essence. This voyage, fueled by an unwavering desire for authenticity, leads her to unearth the facets of her being that lie beneath the facade. Delving beyond the superficial, the series beckons us to venture into realms where the answers to life's riddles await those who dare to seek.

With each photograph, the veil between the tangible and the intangible allows the viewer to glimpse into the harmonious dance between the seen and the unseen, the ethereal luminance of these images inviting viewers to embrace the hidden wonders.  In the realm of "Neptunian,” the mysteries of the universe find their reflection in the depths of our own consciousness.



Hungry Ghost


Circle of Doors Tarot